BSM AHB HUD Front power seat & air seat Front/Rear seat heater Steering heater ETC2.0 Pure drive recorder External GPS Spare key (Remote control key 1& Card key 1) Dealer maintenance record X5 (Last R5.12.17.37014km) Major Equipment Workingdash panel radar attachedwrinkle side of driver seat behind driver seat A rub side of driver seat side of passenger's seat wrinkle trunk trim rub steering wheel worn Right center pillar S belt AUaround front stone chipF window medium stone chiptinted film on the windowRight S Spoiler Crack Left S Spoiler Crack lower part of front spoiler A Black Leather SR TRD Aero (F&S&TR&R Diffuser) & Muffler & Forged 21inAW D Inner Mirror Pure Navigation Panorama Monitor External TV Canceller AC100V Power Hands Free P Trunk Easy Closer Door PCS ACC LKA